PROJECT: SugarMummy


SugarMummy is a desktop application used to manage a type-II diabetic lifestyle. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFx. It is written in Java and has about 30 kLOC.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: added the ability for the application to provide a personalised user experience for the user.

    • What it does: Allows the user to:

      1. View, add, edit and clear his / her biography.

      2. Attain different levels of achievements upon meeting predefined requirements.

      3. Customise font and background to any hexadecimal-value colour (or image for background).

    • Justification: These features improve the product significantly because a user would want to add a user profile with useful information especially in times of emergency, acquire a sense of achievement at different milestones, and enjoy a substantial degree of flexibility in aesthetic customisation, representing his / her preferences, that enhances his / her overall quality of comfort in using the app.

    • Highlights: These enhancements benefit commands to be added in future since new fields in a user’s biography, achievements and aesthetic preferences could be easily defined in further developments via inheritance and polymorphism. Implementation of the Achievements sub-feature was particularly challenging as it required careful interaction with other features such as the Average feature and Record instances, in addition to maintaining balance between abstraction and minimising coupling.

  • Minor enhancements:

    • Added over 600+ motivational quotes from various sources to be selected at random and shown to the user for each session of the main application’s execution.

  • Code contributed: [View RepoSense]

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Refined release of v1.3.2 and v1.3.3 on GitHub.

      • Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase line coverage by 21%. (Pull requests #173, #176, #181)

      • Standardised project structure for v1.4 release. (Pull request #183)

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Abstracted code in MainApp to significantly reduce code redundancies and improve code readability. (Pull request #88)

      • Modified user feedback display to wrap text and scroll vertically for increased ease of viewing feedback. (Pull requests #71, #151)

    • Documentation:

      • Added 90 test situations to the Instructions for Manual Testing section part of the Developer Guide. (Pull request #186)

      • Updated Contact Us page, User Stories and References in the Developer Guide. (Pull requests #16, #17, #191)

      • Updated Readme and application screenshots. (Pull requests #22, #163, #220)

    • Community:

      • Implemented seamless switching of panes from one feature to another with caching abilities for optimised performance through a helper class with Supplier methods for other features' use as well. (Pull request #62)

      • Implemented StyleSheetManager to add universal aesthetic support for all features, along with common scrollpanes. (Pull requests #92, #94, #194)

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are samples of sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users. The full section of personalised features in the user guide may be accessed here.

Shows all the achievements that the user has attained: achvm

Format: achvm

Displays the current list of achievements attained by the user, categorised by record type. Each achievement has a picture that represents it, a title, level, state and requirement required to attain the achievement.

…​(Click here for more information on the achvm command in the UG.)

Displays the user’s biography': bio

Format: bio

Displays a pane containing user information such as the user’s profile picture, name, NRIC, gender, date of birth, contact number, address and other biography information that the user would like to include.

…​(Click here for more information on the bio command in the UG.)

Adds the user’s biography: addbio


A user may add a biography if there isn’t already an existing one stored in the application. This could occur if the storage file is corrupted (refer to above sub-section on bio), or if the user decides to clear the biography (refer to following sub-section on clrbio command). A user may add at most one biography.

In adding a biography, it is compulsory for the user to include the following information (i.e. should not be blank):

  • NAME




Examples of VALID addbio commands, provided that a biography does not yet exist, include:

  • addbio dp//Users/bob/Desktop/doge.png desc/hello world n/testName nric/testNric gender/testGender dob/1920-12-21 p/12343567 p/91234567 e/81234567 m/testMedicalCondition a/example address 123 goal/testGoal o/testOtherInfo (Note: this is provided that the image exists at exactly the SAME PATH in the user’s device. Otherwise, it has to be modifed or removed in order for this example to work)

  • addbio n/testMinimal p/91234567 e/81234567 m/testMedicalCondition

…​(Click here for more information on the addbio command in the UG.)

Edits the user’s biography: editbio


A biography can be edited only if one already exists. If the user intends to edit the second of three phone numbers in a list, he or she may input editbio p/2/1234567 to change the second number in the list of phone numbers.

Examples of VALID editbio commands, provided that a biography exists, include:

  • editbio desc/hello world n/testName nric/testNric gender/testGender dob/1920-10-08 p/91234567 e/81234567 m/testMedicalCondition a/example address 123 goal/testGoal o/testOtherInfo

  • editbio dob/2019-12-28

…​(Click here for more information on the editbio command in the UG.)

Clears the user’s biography: clrbio

Format: clrbio

A user may clear his or her biography using the clrbio command. If a biography exists, all data from all biography fields will be removed. Otherwise, if a biography does not exist, the user will be displayed a message that the biography is already empty and there is no biography information to clear.

…​(Click here for more information on the clrbio command in the UG.)

Sets the font color of the application: fontcolour or fontcolor



  • fontcolour or fontcolor

To set a colour of a font using a colour name, simply enter fontcolour (or the American spelling fontcolor; both are recognised by the program) followed by the intended name of the colour. For instance, one may enter: fontcolour yellow or fontcolor skyblue.

A colour may be set using its hexadecimal value provided it follows format beginning with a '#' followed by six valid alphanumeric characters representing a hexadecimal colour. For instance, one may enter: fontcolour #FFFF00 or fontcolor #FFFF3A.

Examples of VALID fontcolour (or fontcolor) commands:

  • fontcolour yellow

  • fontcolor indigo

  • fontcolour #202020

…​(Click here for more information on the fontcolour command in the UG.)

Sets the background image or colour of the application: bg


  • bg COLOUR [fontcolour/COLOUR] or bg COLOUR [fontcolor/COLOUR]; or


  • bg [s/BACKGROUND SIZE] [r/BACKGROUND REPEAT] [fontcolour/COLOUR] or bg [s/BACKGROUND SIZE] [r/BACKGROUND REPEAT] [fontcolor/COLOUR] (only if background is already a background image); or

  • bg

Users are allowed to set the background either using a COLOUR or a PATH to a background image.

The COLOUR argument of the background works in exactly the same way as described in the fontcolour or (fontcolor) sub-section above, except that command word used is now bg instead of fontcolour (or fontcolor). i.e. a user may enter bg blue or bg #202020 to set the background image.

In addition to specifying a COLOUR, a user may also specify a PATH for background image.

Examples of VALID bg commands:

  • bg yellow

  • bg indigo

  • bg #202020

  • bg /Users/bob/Desktop/SpaceModified.jpg

…​(Click here for more information on the bg command in the UG.)

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are samples of sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project. The full section of personalised features in the developer guide may be accessed here while that for user stories may be accessed here.

Personalised User Experience Feature


  • The User class is used to represent a diabetic user. A diabetic user is composed of the Name, ProfileDesc, DisplayPicPath, Nric, Gender, Phone, MedicalCondition, Address, Goal and OtherBioInfo classes.

  • A User is currently defined to be able to have more than one Phone, MedicalCondition and Goal. As such, these classes inherit the ListableField Interface.

  • The structure of a User and its interactions are shown as follows:


…​(Click here for more information on the overview of implementing personalised user experience in the DG.)



The biography feature is supported by the addbio, editbio and clrbio commands.

SugarMummyParser responds to the command word via a series of switch cases.

addbio and editbio returns AddBioCommandParser and EditBioCommandParser respectively.

  • CommandParser then returns an AddBioCommand object that stores the User to be created. EditBioCommandParser on the other hand creates an EditBioCommand object that stores an EditedUserDescription containing information on which fields are edited to be edited.

    • A List of HashMaps that maps indices to ListableField is used in EditedUserDescription to denote changes to be made within each ListableField. When executed by Logic afterwards, the AddBioCommand creates the User to be stored in the ModelManager whereas the EditBioCommand creates a new User based on information in EditedUserDescription. A UserList is used in the ModelManager to store User instances.

    • At any point of time when a user attempts to access biography information, LogicManager accesses the UserList from ModelManager to display information. In order to be able to display the same information upon startup, LogicManager saves this UserList to the storage after execution of each command.

  • For the bio and clrbio commands, the implementations are relatively more straightforward.

    • A BioCommand returned by SugarMummyParser simply overrides the getDisplayPaneType() of the Command object (that each Command object contains) so that back at Ui, Ui knows to display the BioPane of the Ui in the MainDisplayPane part of the window.

  • An illustration of how the information flows for the editbio command is shown as follows:


…​(Click here for more information on the implementation of biography features in the DG.)


The aesthetics aspects of the application help to support the feature of personalised user experience and are implemented using the command words fontcolour and bg respectively.

Colour and Background are independent classes, and Colour makes use of enumerations of colour names and hexadecimal colour codes to determine validity of the colours.

  • Upon receival of the command fontcolour, if fontcolour has no arguments (checked by FontColourParser), a new FontColourCommand with no arguments is returned, and upon execution return a CommandResult that shows the existing fontcolour used via access of ModelManager (logic is similar to the ones for biography)

    • Otherwise if arguments are received, validity of the arguments is checked against, and if the colour is a valid Colour, it is set in ModelManager and saved to Storage. FontColourCommand overrides the getDisplayPane() to return the DisplayPane.COLOUR enumeration. i.e. the MainDisplayPane is unchanged in Ui, and only font colours change.

  • Background on the other hand, checks for additional possible arguments.

BackgroundParser first determines if the argument received is a Colour. If so it returns a BackgroundCommand storing a Background that has a backgroundColour attribute. Otherwise, it checks, via ParserUtil , whether or not the argument before valid prefixes (preamble) is a valid file path. If so, a Background that has a backgroundPicPath attribute is used to create the BackgroundCommand.

  • Otherwise a ParseException is returned.

  • An illustration of the logic for handling a bg command is shown as follows:

  • The ImageAnalyser class used to determine a background image’s dominant colour is inspired, collectively, by Zaz Gmy’s code example and user mhshams's code snippet.

…​(Click here for more information on the implementation of aesthetic features in the DG.)

  • A diabetic user’s Achievements is supported by the achvm command, that displays the list of user’s achievements. Similar to how bio is implemented, SugarMummyParser returns an AchievementsCommand that overrides the getDisplayPane() method to return DisplayPane.ACHVM – such that Ui of Ui sets the children of the MainDisplayPane node to be the AchievementsPane. Each Achievement is represented using an ImageView in JavaFX TilePane so that all images are of the same size.

  • When the program starts, an AchievementsMap containing a Map of RecordType to List of all Achievement objects that the program has is created in ModelManager.

  • The AchievementStateProcessor class is then called, which iterates through the list of all Record elements stored in ModelManager and updates the State of each Achievement if necessary.

  • Thereafter, for each addition and removal of Record elements, the same process described above is used to update the AchievementsMap, that maps RecordType to an AchievementsList of Achievement elements with updated State attributes.

  • When the achvm command is received by the program, this AchievementsMap is simply retrieved from ModelManager to LogicManager and the corresponding images representing the Achievement objects in the list, with their State values, and attributes are presented to the user via the MainDisplayPane of the MainWindow.

  • The full list of Achievement items, as well as corresponding State and Level possible to attain for each RecordType in the current version of the program are shown as follows:

  • Each Achievement State is represented by hand-drawn images, which were coloured digitally using Adobe Photoshop. If a developer intends to modify or extend the current list of Achievement items, he or she may also modify or add on to these images that are currently located in /view/images/achievements/ of the project directory.

…​(Click here for more information on the implementation of achievement features in the DG.)

  • Motivational aspects of the application are supported using motivational quotes.

  • Each motivational quote exists as a String in an unmodifiable List of the class MotivationalQuotes.

  • The List of quotes (collated from different sources but modified to have the same formats) are initialised to be part of ModelManager when the program first starts up.

  • Upon initialisation of the program, the MotivationalQuotesLabel.fxml file is referenced via its corresponding class.

  • Retrieval of the List of motivational quotes is done via LogicManager which accesses the List of motivational quotes in ModelManager.

  • A quote is randomly selected and then displayed to the user via the program’s user interface.

…​(Click here for more information on the implementation of motivation features in the DG.)

Design Considerations

Command Classification
  • It is possible to separate the commands for fontcolour and background into different commands (eg. addfontcolour, editfontcolour, showfontcolour, clrfontcolour). However, this is likely unnecessary as this will not only require the end user to type more words, but also introduce redundancy (eg. clrfontcolour could simply be fontcolour black and still achieve the same effects as clrfontcolour).

Modification of Application Style Dynamically
  • An alternative idea to achieving fontcolour and background throughout the entire app was to visit each JavaFX child Node recursively and set the colours and backgrounds if the nodes are of specific instances with these attributes (eg. Label which has textfill attribute). However, this idea was quickly aborted as the TableView implemented only renders headers after the scene has been set and to include such a case in the recursive solution adds significant complexity to the program on top of the possibility of severely breaking abstraction.

…​(Click here for more information on design considerations in the DG.)

Future Developments

Saving of user’s preferred themes: [coming in v2.0]

This feature has not currently been implemented, but could possibly be implemented using the existing StyleManager class, which processes users' background and fontColour. A List could be used to save an archive of users' preferred themes during that session. A variable would serve as a current pointer to determine the current theme the user is using. A change in theme could be achieved by updating the pointer and / or the HashMap, if any is implemented. Upon termination of the program, the contents of the HashMap could be saved to a JsonStorage file.

Follow up on user’s goals: [coming in v2.0]

This feature has yet to be implemented but could possibly be implemented by first parsing inputs that the user has entered for the Goal fields. If in a format that is recognised, the program would store the recognised parsed Goal and corresponding LocalDate in an ArrayList and JsonStorage file. The program would then check the user’s progress over time by analysing data in the user’s RecordList, and provide timely feedback by comparing the current date and date by which to reach the Goal targets set. This feature may also implement some methods from the Reminder feature so the user can choose to automatically be reminded about his/her Goal inputs at specific time intervals desired.

…​(Click here for more information on future developments in the DG.)

Appendix A: User Stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​

* * *

very busy diabetic

use a flexible calendar system that can account for updates

easily make changes to appointments that I have to change often due to other commitments

* * *

person who likes numbers

see summary statistics

better track my progress

…​(Click here for more information on user stories in the DG.)